Struggling with Staffing? – by Laura Laaman

Struggling with Staffing?
The pet care industry recently experienced a welcome upsurge in business, giving facility owners a chance to finally breathe…kind of. With COVID numbers on the decrease, stir-crazy people have flocked to airports and highways, and their pets filled our facilities. The unprecedented labor market left many business owners grappling for even just warm bodies. And the service industry has been hit particularly hard. With local businesses pulling job seekers in every direction, many owners resorted to hiring the first candidates they could get in the door. This meant high turnover rates, low employee morale, and, often, substandard pet and customer care. With facilities full of pets once again, it’s time to address these challenging staffing issues…but how?
Read the full article here.

5 Ways to Keep Staff Motivated to Show Up (And, Be on Time!)

Outstanding Pet Care blog 5 ways to keep staff motivated image of woman holding two dogs

Running a pet care facility is totally dependent on having reliable, caring and conscious employees. And the more pets we care for, the more employees we need. We all know how challenging it currently is to attract good employees to your pet care facility, but thankfully it’s more than possible. However, once you’ve found and onboarded high-quality staff members, it’s another battle to keep them. Here are five ways to ensure your staff remains reliable and punctual.
Read the full article here.

Struggling with Staffing? – by Laura Laaman

4 Steps to Making This Your Best Summer Ever

Nearly all major airlines have reported increased passenger sales and interest in the final quarter of 2021 as travel restrictions are being lifted nationwide.

 The boomerang is coming back around, and you can snatch it up for the best summer your business has ever had…but only by taking these essential steps. Read the full article here.

From COVID Chaos to Robust, Profitable Growth – by Laura Laaman

These past few years have been gut wrenching, like a vicious roller coaster that never seems to end. Even before COVID (if we can still remember that far back), we were dealing with staffing challenges, difficult customers and fierce competition. Everything was amplified exponentially with the pandemic, even now that we’re beyond the worst of it…we hope.
Read the full article here.

3 Strategies to Ensure Success in the Coming Year – by Laura Laaman

While 2020 was the worst year in recent times for a lot of businesses, 2021 presented plenty of its own challenges. So, 2022 has to be better, right? Possibly…but only if we take the correct steps to make that happen.
Read the full article here.

Business Slowing Down? Boost Your Revenue with Training Services! – by Laura Laaman

As we know, more pets were adopted during COVID than ever before. Many new pet parents brought a dog into their family for the first time. Whether they rescued a dog in need or purchased a new puppy, they may not have realized what they were in for when welcoming a new dog into their lives. Read the full article here.

Why & How to Pay Employees Fifteen to Twenty Dollars per Hour (And Remain Profitable!)- by Laura Laaman

With a pent-up need to get out of the house, people are finally traveling in droves. This means a parade of furry guests who need your services—but do you have the staff to handle it? For many pet care businesses, COVID meant downsizing, and just as many are finding it harder than ever to find quality staff. We have the solution, but brace yourself…you need to get ready to pay some employees $15-20 an hour or more. Read the full article here.

An Important Task Managers Cringe Over and Why- By Laura Laaman

One of the tasks your managers probably dislike (ok, hate) is hiring. While they may love the idea of welcoming a fabulous and productive new employee, it’s easy to understand why they cringe at the hiring part. After all, wading through (or drowning in) the process can feel overwhelming while they place ads, determine budgets, reach out to candidates, leave messages, play phone tag and conduct interviews…who would look forward to it? Read the full article here.

Measuring & Maintaining a Healthy Labor Ratio- By Jake Romero

The Pet Care industry is filled with business owners who are first and foremost passionate pet people. Most of these business owners think, “Whatever it takes to deliver great care is what it costs,” and focusing on key financial measurements tends to get away from them. Unfortunately, so does profit—and if not attended to, so does owning a viable business. It’s honorable and necessary to guard the pets in your care, but it’s also necessary to guard your financial stability and success. Read the full article here.

4 Powerful Strategies to Connect & Reengage with Clients- By Laura Laaman

Compared to other industries, the pet care industry has always required extra TLC. We’re not just fixing a car; we’re caring for someone’s furry family member. But right now, the human TLC is more important than ever. Read the full article here.